YOU Are Needed

by Mark M Brown, HahnX Co-founder and author of Outward Bound Lessons To Live A Life of Leadership

Attention Outward Bound alumni, current and former staff, and all those who care about people and the planet:

 You may know the creation story of Outward Bound--of young merchant sailors perishing after their ships were sunk in the North Sea during World War II.  You may know the qualities Kurt Hahn extolled: "an enterprising curiosity, an indefatigable spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self-denial, and above all, compassion."  

You may know the stories, but do you understand WHY? Why were you trained to put aside discomfort to embrace the challenges of an expedition? What did you learn about supporting your crew, serving on watch, reflecting during solo, and overcoming whatever adversity the circumstances of your expedition threw at you? And how did you--and how will you continue--to apply what you learned in service to others? That is, after...

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